For many people the appearance of their teeth can be an issue of great concern, and sometimes a cause of embarrassment. Through listening to your concerns we can discuss options from a wide range of solutions which can help you achieve an attractive cosmetic result.
There are many ways in which we can help you improve the appearance of your teeth. Some of the more popular treatments include:
- The use of tooth-coloured fillings to replace conventional, grey amalgam.
- Replacing old white fillings with newer, longer lasting ones.
- Bleaching (lightening) – either all of the teeth or sometimes individually.
- Straightening teeth with invisible braces
- Altering the shape of teeth.
- Replacing missing teeth – dental implants.
- Tooth jewellery.
There are also many other forms of cosmetic dental treatment which can be discussed where appropriate. So, please ask us if you have any concerns about the appearance of your teeth – helping you is what we are here for.
On this website you’ll find a few examples of the various ways we’ve helped people improve their appearance. The great thing about cosmetic dentistry is that it’s painless and improves self confidence. It has been proven that smiling actually makes you feel better, and you’ll smile more if you’ve got a smile you’re proud of!
In keeping with the practice philosophy of dental health for all, for life – we take a long-term view when providing treatment to improve the appearance of the teeth. This involves helping you to recognise that cosmetic treatment usually brings with it the extra responsibility of maintenance.
Our team can use their skills, knowledge and experience to show you how to look after the work you have had done – increasing the chances of long-term success and avoiding the need for future replacement or modification.